
Welcome! Please seat yourself. Feel free to relax and take in the ambiance of this historical place. It was created with just one thing in mind, to have a good time. Hope you will do just that!

The History of The Abandoned Luncheonette.

Feel free to start off your day here at the Luncheonette with a nice hot bowl of our own homemade Whole Oats while you wash it down with a nice cold glass of H2O. Or you may want to even spend your lunch and or dinner here at the Luncheonette. I recommend our specialty, the Our Kind of Soul platter. It is perfectly made with a small helping of 70's dance, a generous serving of 80's rock and roll and a dash of 90's new groove. All on a beautiful cut of blue eyed Philly Soul. Sit at one of the two corner booths here at the Luncheonette while you frequently look out the window at our beautiful Marigold Sky. You probably Can't Stop Dreaming while relaxing in our very comfortable booths as so many people have over the years. We have even been told that our Luncheonette has the right Phunk Shui. Don't forget to check out our jukebox over there but don't go over there Soul Alone, you may have some Private Eyes watching you as you hear Voices singing Sacred Songs. You may even feel as if you had a 1000 Miles of Life after visiting the jukebox! Along The Red Ledge of the counter there at the end where those two stools are you will probably be X-Static to know that that is where Daryl Hall and John Oates sat when they first opened this establishment back in 1973. That same area of the Luncheonette was featured in their Possession Obsession video from 1984. So... as you can see the Luncheonette is not far from the owners minds at any given time. It obviously has a sort of magnetism for them and many of our customers. We always invite you to enjoy our Big Bam Boom Fourth of July celebration where we have heard many Ooh Yeah's. Stop by during the Change Of Season's during the year or even feel free to visit us for our Home For Christmas festival. When all of our family gets together at the Luncheonette for great Christmas music by who else then Daryl Hall & John Oates (Of Course!). If you choose to leave the Luncheonette, please make sure you exit by the front entrance as you came in. We here at the Luncheonette take no responsibility if you do choose to leave out the back door and encounter the Beauty On A Back Street. When you do leave, remember these three things about the Luncheonette: Alway's, alway's, Do It For Love! It is never Bigger Than Both Of Us and when you leave there are No Goodbyes here at the Luncheonette.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Hello to one and all. I am here at the Luncheonette once again to give an update on my progress in this thing we call 'life'. Life is a fickle thing. Once you 'think' you know where your heading it throws you a curve ball. As my last post states, I was in the process of becoming a truck driver, that did not work out (Long story!). As of right now I am working for a great company called Deimling Jeliho Injection Molding, in Amelia, Ohio. As of this post I am working in the press area, where they actually make the molds for their customers. (See picture below) This is actually the area I work at in the company as seen in the picture, I have worked at several presses that are seen in the picture, making many different molds.

I will also go on record to say I really enjoy wroking with 99% of the actual D.J. workers I work with, especially the Lead Press Operator and Shift Supervisor (Tim, and Sam respectively.)

As of the rest of my 'life' as 'Marvin' would say..."Don't tell me about life!" seems to be the underlining theme for mine at the moment. Outside of a great relationship with the wife my 'life' has been topsy turvy the last couple of years.
That's about all from me for the moment, I'll keep you all informed once I know what is happening in my 'life'!

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